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Workflow, Integrations & Automations

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Workflow, Integrations & Automations


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11 results found

  1. It would be helpful to add a way to bulk turn on or turn off workflows from within the workflow management tool rather than having to go through on a one-off basis.

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  2. Sending a notification email that lets the customer know said integration has been disconnected so that they don't have hundreds of workflows running and failing. If we can catch the root cause of this then I think the customer will be greatly impacted in a good way

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    Admins can now opt-in to receive In-App Notification when a Connected App is recognized as disconnected. Go to the Settings area to opt-in. 

  3. The Idea: Please add the ability to rerun a workflow job from a specific step. For example, if a workflow has 5 steps and fails on step 3, I want to be able to choose where the workflow reruns from. I could have it rerun from step 3, so that steps 1 and 2 are not rerun, or I could rerun it from step 2 so that all steps but step 1 would rerun.

    The Reason:
    We regularly deal with failed workflow steps, the most common of which is Procore File Upload failing and SQL Upserts failing. This is sometimes…

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    You can now rerun a Workflow from a specific step. You have the ability to choose if you would like to rerun just that step or rerun the Workflow starting from that step.

  4. The ability to include an audit trail of where an email was triggered from. For example, within the Message Status tab - if you click on an email it will populate a Message Status box. We should include info on whether that email was triggered from a Template Event (and if so - which Template), in addition to if it was fired from a Workflow (and which Workflow)

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  5. When a workflow is duplicated, it is active by default. IMO, tt Should be deactivated.

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  6. The ability to see which workflows run under each connected app.

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    Users can now find which workflow are utilized by a connection. Under Details select Workflows to see all Workflows utilizing that specific connection. 

  7. When looking at Workflow Details, be able quickly identify what DataSources are referenced throughout a Workflow

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  8. Reports go out to people regardless of there being any data in them. Need to have the option to only send reports if they have content

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    Users now have the ability to email a report only if there is data included.  Export Report to CSV now includes an output for 'hasData', this can be used in Step Conditions for sending an email or uploading a third to a third party to terminate a workflow or skip a step if hasData is 'False'. Step Conditions can be found under the Advanced section.

  9. Ability to pull Images in a form to form workflow

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  10. Overview of the account usage of the Workflow tool

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  11. The ability for basic workflows to be used at the team level

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