Create Sub-folders within folders in Templates tab
Currently you are only able to create one folder under the Templates tab. I would like to be able to create sub-folders within that top folder for better organization of my templates. This would help our organization organize custom templates for each of our customers and allow our technicians to be able to navigate to that particular template quicker.

Nicole Buersken commented
It would be great if this feature could be turned on. While its easy to turn off access to users or groups is still makes the admin wonder what the users are seeing
Nick Rivera commented
15 years and waiting for this feature!! How about now?
Office Staff commented
Add subfolders to folders. Example: Install Department --> Payment Forms, Completion Forms, Misc Forms. Etc.
Barry Veitch commented
Please allow creation/management of templete subfolders.
Chris Ivie commented
I would like to be able to add sub folders to existing folders for forms and templates.
Shelley McKain commented
This functionality is in the Templates area, now needs to be moved to the FORMS area, PLEASE!!
SME - Admin 1 commented
Having one more level to the folder structure within templates would allow me to group together all the folders I have for each entity of our company. This would be AMAZING ! and allow for less scrolling when searching for a specific folder. I have 10 folders at least for each entity and 8 or more entities for the company in total.
Nick Rivera commented
Any update on this?? We've been with GoFormz now for i believe over 10 years and I've been asking for this for as many years. Our Sister company now has an account and is asking about this.
All we're looking for is a means to better organize our templates. Sometimes the names of a template might not be apparent or a tech might not be sure if one was generated for a customer. By having a folder system in place it would help answer that question in the field for them as they would know which folders to check in. This would just be one benefit for this.
If i was able to add a screenshot I would show you what we're dealing with. Again appreciate the consideration, but would much rather see this finally implemented.
Lori Garner commented
This feature would be extremely helpful for our business. We have hundreds of templates, and the single level folder option provides little in the way of organization.
I would very much appreciate having at the least, one more folder level added, if not two. -
Jessie Counts commented
Yes! This! We have templates for single-family inspections, multifamily inspections, HVAC inspections as well as checklists for tune-ups and HVAC replacements. It would be nice to be able to have a Single-family folder inside each sub folder that could house ALL of the Single-family templates, and same with multifamily or HVAC. Easy to organize and locate the proper forms based on the scope of the job
OmniusIT Admin commented
A critical feature for company-wide paperless convertion
Brandon Tupper commented
Being able to create subfolders in each folder would be helpful.
Jon Hall commented
This would be very useful for organizing templates and would also help users navigate to and locate templates.