Distinction Between Draft and Open Forms
GoFormz really needs to make a distinction between drafts, open, and completed forms.
Right now, there are only draft forms and completed forms. This has caused me to run into a lot of walls while developing templates/workflows and managing our extensive forms.
I propose that forms should have 3 distinct statuses:
Draft - A draft is a form that has been created, but has not yet been submitted by its creator. Drafts are simply forms where the creator has started up the form, used the "Save" feature to come back later, but hasn't actually submitted the form yet.
Open - Open forms have been submitted, but haven't yet been completed. This status is EXTREMELY useful form any template/workflow that uses an approval workflow. The submitter submits their draft, and it becomes an "open" form due to the transfer step (or a change status step) in the workflow. It's not complete yet, because it's been transferred to another user for review, but it is no longer a draft either. It's waiting for action, and is an important part of our form history.
Complete - Completed forms are ones that have been submitted and have no additional action to take. This would be the default status after a form is submitted, unless the workflow transfers the form or sets the status to "open" specifically. Completed forms have no more action left to take.
Reasons why this distinction is needed:
Permissions to delete drafts: I'm asked regularly by our field users if they can delete their old drafts (never submitted forms) that are hanging out and clogging up their form list. These drafts were often created when they were testing out a newly available template, training a coworker, etc. But unfortunately they become stuck with these drafts unless they request IT to delete them on their behalf. The reason for this is because the permissions to delete forms makes no distinction between the status of the forms. We don't want our field users to be able to delete anything that is complete OR that has entered the review stage (the "open" stage) of its workflow. If GoFormz made a distinction between Drafts and Open forms, and allowed us to provide permissions to delete forms of specific statuses, it would be AMAZING for both me and my end users.
Clarity for Users: Right now, our Manager users who review/approval many of our submitted forms, have access to "all forms" under a lot of templates. This allows them to help other Managers with their forms in case someone is out sick, and take ownership if need be. Unfortunately we've had a lot of issues with Managers mistaking forms that have not actually been submitted yet and forms that are actually waiting for their review. Because the permissions make no distinction, I can't limit their access to only forms waiting for their action, and there's no way for them to tell the difference between all of the "drafts", when some are true drafts and some are open forms waiting for action. This has led to Managers taking ownership of forms that hadn't actually been submitted yet.
SysAdmin Maintenance Ease: I often have to filter through our massive list of forms in order to troubleshoot issues or make updated (like when a template is updated). There is no easy way for me to tell if a draft form is waiting for its creator to submit it, or if it's a form that has already been submitted and is waiting for action from a manager. I can check the history individually on the forms, but that isn't practical for the bulk maintenance I'm often performing.
There are many additional benefits that I can think of for making a distinction between Draft and Open, such as making approval workflows easy to create (form status would actually mean something reliable that I could use for skipping steps or terminating the workflow rather than having to use form fields to create that distinction). I'm going to stop here though as this is already super long.